Shop ready-made packages

  • 100 pieces of aluminum stand up bag / Doypack with zipper

    35,00 лв.40,00 лв.

    The packaging is made of three-layer, laminated foil containing LDPE, aluminum, white kraft paper. Suitable for food contact. Opaque.

    Extremely high barrier properties against moisture, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Barrier to light and fragrances.


  • 100 pieces of white paper stand up envelope / Doypack with aluminum and zipper

    29,00 лв.33,00 лв.

    The packaging is made of three-layer, laminated foil containing LDPE, aluminum, white kraft paper. Suitable for food contact. Opaque.

    Extremely high barrier properties against moisture, oxygen and carbon dioxide, barrier to light and fragrances combined with modern, natural vision.

  • 100 pieces of brown paper standing envelope / Doypack with window and zipper

    23,00 лв.26,00 лв.

    The package is made of three-layer laminated foil containing LDPE, PET, brown kraft paper. Suitable for food contact. Transparent in the part of the window.

    Very good oxygen barrier, good barrier to water and water vapor, modern natural vision and direct visibility of the product.

  • 100 white standing envelopes / Doypack with zipper with glossy surface

    22,00 лв.25,00 лв.

    The package is made of two-layer laminated foil containing white LDPE and PET. Suitable for food contact. Opaque.

    Very good barrier for oxygen, good barrier for water and water vapor, convenient for short series, labeled with a variety of color labels.


  • 100 transparent standing envelopes / Doypack with zipper

    20,00 лв.23,00 лв.

    The package is made of two-layer laminated foil containing LDPE and PET. Suitable for food contact.

    Very good oxygen barrier, good water and vapor barrier, provides direct visibility to the product and is convenient for short series labeled with various color labels

  • 100 transparent standing envelopes / Doypack with zipper, preserving the aroma

    25,00 лв.27,00 лв.

    The package is made of two-layer laminated foil containing LDPE / EVOH and PET. Suitable for food contact.

    The EVOH additive is the best gas barrier. Extremely suitable for spices, tea and other aromatic products.


  • 100 pieces 100% recyclable standing envelope / Doypack with zipper with white matte surface

    100% рециклируеми Опаковката е изработена от двуслойно ламинирано фолио, съдържащо изцяло LDPE (вкл. ципа). Годна за контакт с храни. Непрозрачна.

    Много добри бариерни свойства за кислород и вода в съчетание с модерна матова визия. Опаковката представлява отговорен и природосъобразен избор за Вашия продукт.

  • 100 pieces 100% recyclable transparent standing envelope / Doypack with zipper with glossy surface

    19,00 лв.23,00 лв.

    100% рециклируеми The packaging is made of two-layer laminated foil containing entirely LDPE (including zipper). Suitable for food contact.

    Very good oxygen and water barrier properties and direct visibility to the product. Packaging is a responsible and environmentally friendly choice for your product.

  • 100 pieces 100% recyclable transparent standing envelope / Doypack with zipper with matte surface

    25,00 лв.27,00 лв.

    100% рециклируеми The packaging is made of two-layer laminated foil containing entirely LDPE (including zipper). Suitable for food contact. Translucent.

    Very good barrier properties for oxygen and water, direct visibility to the product and modern matte look. Packaging is a responsible and environmentally friendly choice for your product.

  • 100 pieces of brown paper bag with four-sided stitch (Gusset bag)

    11,00 лв.

    70mm / 60mm / 250mm, capacity: 500 ml

    The packaging is made of two-layer laminated foil containing metallized BOPP and brown kraft paper. Closes with thermal soldering. Possibility to complete with a clip for closing the envelope after its initial opening. Suitable for food contact. Opaque.

  • 100 броя черен стоящ плик/Doypack с цип с матова повърхност

    21,00 лв.

    150mm x 220mm, bottom 80mm, capacity: 500-600 ml

    Опаковката е изработена от трислойно ламинирано фолио, съдържащо LDPE white, PET и BOPP matte. Отлична водна и газова бариера.

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